2021 Wrap Up

Broadway Elementary PTO

December 2021



What an amazing Fall Semester it has been!  It has been so wonderful to be back in the school and bring back so many amazing events to our students, parents and Broadway staff.  With your help, our first ever Mother/Son BMX Night was a huge hit!!  I am sure that many little boys had BMX dreams that night!  We can not wait for the Father/Daughter Dance in February!    


A HUGE thank you to all you parents who have made our Spirit Nights so successful!  We were able to raise over $1700!  These funds have been used to provide decorations for the 3rd Grade Veteran’s Day Program, the 4th Grade Christmas Program, and goodies for the Broadway Staff during the 12 Days of Christmas. We appreciate our vendor partners for Spirit Nights: Pepperoni’s, Chipotle, Panda, Chick-fil-A, Republic Grill & Mod Pizza.    Thank you for your support!  


As you may recall, we had our Boosterhon Fun Run in October.  This was a tremendous success!  We blew our goal out of the water and raised $73,262 for Broadway!  We received donations from 47 States and 14 Countries!  That is AMAZING!  We have already ordered 4 more bike racks,  2 additional Chrome carts, and provided funds for the buses for the class field trips.  And we won’t stop there!  We have a few more items on our list to help improve our school.  


1st Grade was the top grossing grade level raising $28,246 and received a popcorn party.  


There were four classes that reached 100% registration for Boosterthon and they also participated in the popcorn party.  Thank you Mrs. Ackley, Applegate, Sherril & Montgomery’s classes!  


CONGRATS TO Ms. Silvas’s 3rd Grade class!!  They were the top grossing class at $5,199 and will receive a pizza party to wrap up the year. 


We were very excited to be able to bring back one of our favorite holiday traditions, Santa’s Secret Shop.  Our Shop was a big hit with the students.  So much so that we sold out of all items by Thursday morning!  Thank you for allowing your students to shop for their loved ones.  They showed so much excitement and couldn’t wait to show the volunteers what they picked for each person on their list.  


We have several events planned for the Spring.  The biggest of which is the Spring Carnival.  Mark your calendars for April 23rd!  Get ready to come out and have some fun!  There will be rides, raffles baskets & a chance to throw some pies at your favorite Admins & Specials Teachers.


Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday Break.


Rachel Gomez

Broadway PTO President


2021-2022 PTO Contacts


President Rachel Gomez [email protected]
VP Fundraising Brittnie Gutirez [email protected]
VP Fundraising April Wilcox [email protected]
VP Programs Georgia Samford [email protected]
VP Programs Emily Leibert [email protected]
Secretary Natalie Nance [email protected]
Treasurer Kim Holzwarth [email protected]
Parliamentarian Kim Erbele [email protected]
Communications Britny Franklin [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator Kelly Dooley [email protected]
School Spirit Eden Barrett [email protected]
School Spirit Angie Gorman [email protected]
Faculty Representative Holly Johnson [email protected]


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